Tag Archives: sales copy

Ever Wish You Had A Copywriting Expert to Review Your Headlines?

Before learning the how to write effective copy my headlines were grade A++ CRAP!  I had no idea of what I was doing and how to write ad/sales copy.  I didn’t really have to have anyone tell me that my headlines were crap because my wallet told me that.  I sent out TONS of “sales letters,” and received 0 leads, 0 prospects, and 0 dollars.  As I continued to study marketing, I learned more of what it took to create a least decent copy.  But I never really had a coach or mentor there to help me in creating effective headlines.  I had nobody to review, suggest adjustments to what I was writing and sending out.  I had to learn the time-consuming way, which was by trial and error and reviewing my results.   Only if I had an actual copy coach there to help me I could have shaved several months off of my learning curve.

What I would like to share with you guys in this post is that there is NO NEED for a copywriting coach when your want to know how well you headline will do.  All you have to do is create you copy (learn how to write a good headline first) and insert it into the Advanced Marketing Institue’s Headline Analyzer.  And the best part is that it is a FREE tool offered on their site!  This perfect for all marketing but even more valuable to new marketers that are in their learning phase and have a little to no budget for investing in online tools.  I already believe copywriting should be the first focus of new marketers because it is so valuable and costs almost nothing to learn; now they can check their work at no cost also.

I included a copy of a rating I got from one of my past headlines…

Rating of a headline from one of my listbuilding campaigns...

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Filed under 1, Business & Marketing, Copywriting

Another Millionaire Copy Tip

I want to keep this post brief because I want you to put this tip into action as soon as possible…especially if you are looking to create more persuasive copy.  This tip will, without a doubt, significantly increase your response.  This was not discovered by me, but by several copy masters I follow that have made millions from this art form.

The secret is that you need to create you copy and include a REASON/WHY with whatever it is that you are promoting/selling.  You have to tell people why your product is safer, easier to use, more profitable, etc.  A great example of how not to write persuasive copy would be like the following headline:

20% off books today

In order to make this a better headline you need to include WHY you have books 20% off for that today.  I would revise the headlines to say the following:

20% off books today because we want to help students save cash for a fun semester

I can guarantee that headline #2 pulls better numbers than headline #1 on any given day.  This is just one example.  I have many more, but I chose to give you one example for a reason.  I want to hear your examples.  Let me know of some headlines that you have come up with (or have seen/heard) that gives a REASON/WHY in its copy.  I love hearing and seeing the copy of others, especially if they are great at it.  So until next time…Take care!!

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Filed under 1, Business & Marketing, Copywriting

Secret Copy Tip #5…

Don’t use exclamation (i.e. !!!!) marks at the end of your sentences in your copy.  You come off as fake and/or trying too hard.

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Filed under 1, Business & Marketing, Copywriting