Tag Archives: profit

Another Millionaire Copy Tip

I want to keep this post brief because I want you to put this tip into action as soon as possible…especially if you are looking to create more persuasive copy.  This tip will, without a doubt, significantly increase your response.  This was not discovered by me, but by several copy masters I follow that have made millions from this art form.

The secret is that you need to create you copy and include a REASON/WHY with whatever it is that you are promoting/selling.  You have to tell people why your product is safer, easier to use, more profitable, etc.  A great example of how not to write persuasive copy would be like the following headline:

20% off books today

In order to make this a better headline you need to include WHY you have books 20% off for that today.  I would revise the headlines to say the following:

20% off books today because we want to help students save cash for a fun semester

I can guarantee that headline #2 pulls better numbers than headline #1 on any given day.  This is just one example.  I have many more, but I chose to give you one example for a reason.  I want to hear your examples.  Let me know of some headlines that you have come up with (or have seen/heard) that gives a REASON/WHY in its copy.  I love hearing and seeing the copy of others, especially if they are great at it.  So until next time…Take care!!

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Filed under 1, Business & Marketing, Copywriting

Thinking About Internet Marketing??

I speak to people all the time that are in the MLM business.  Some have had success offline and some haven’t.  Regardless, their offline success or failure does not dictate their online success or failure.   Many of these people think about bringing their business online but don’t know where to start.  So where do you start when taking your MLM business online??? STEPS ONLY IF YOU’RE LOOKING TO MAKE A SUBSTANTIAL PROFIT (5-6 FIGS+).

1.  Generate traffic (shoot for 30-50 leads a day) – preferred method is Pay-per-click
2. Convert that traffic – learn AD COPY/COPYWRITING skills!!  I can’t stress this enough!! Learn to be persuasive or you lose in this game!!
3. Be willing to get on the phone and be a leader.  Display your leadership values to your prospects/leads.
One other additional tip:
Become AMAZING at ONE specific thing!! This is key in obtaining followers, prospects, customers, etc.  This is where your value derives from.

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Filed under Business & Marketing, Education, Leadership, Resources, Twitter